Sample Expert Advisor

Here is a sample EMA Crossover Based Simple Expert Advisor which places orders to OpenAlgo Connected Brokers

//|                                                      OpenAlgo.mq5|
//|                        Copyright 2024,               |
//|                                 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2024,"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

#include <OpenAlgo/OpenAlgoApi.mqh>

input string ApiUrl = "";
input string ApiKey = "your_app_apikey";
input string Strategy = "Metatrader 5 Strategy";
input string Symbol = "SAIL";
input int Quantity = 1;

// Enums as input parameters
input Exchanges Exchange = NSE; // Default value set to NSE Equity
input ProductTypes Product = MIS; // Default value set to MIS for Intraday Square off
input PriceTypes PriceType = MARKET; // Default value set to Market Order

input int FastEMAPeriod = 5;
input int SlowEMAPeriod = 10;

int handleFastEMA;
int handleSlowEMA;
datetime lastOrderTime = 0; // This will store the time of the last candle for which an order was placed

int OnInit()
    handleFastEMA = iMA(_Symbol, _Period, FastEMAPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE);
    handleSlowEMA = iMA(_Symbol, _Period, SlowEMAPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE);

    if (handleFastEMA == INVALID_HANDLE || handleSlowEMA == INVALID_HANDLE)
        Print("Failed to initialize EMA handles");
        return INIT_FAILED;
    return INIT_SUCCEEDED;

void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    if(handleFastEMA != INVALID_HANDLE) IndicatorRelease(handleFastEMA);
    if(handleSlowEMA != INVALID_HANDLE) IndicatorRelease(handleSlowEMA);

void OnTick()
    // Buffer arrays to store EMA values for the last two completed candles
    double fastEMAValues[2];
    double slowEMAValues[2];
    // Get the opening time of the last completed candle
    datetime currentCandleTime = iTime(_Symbol, _Period, 1);

    // Copy EMA values for the last two completed candles
    if (CopyBuffer(handleFastEMA, 0, 1, 2, fastEMAValues) <= 0 ||
        CopyBuffer(handleSlowEMA, 0, 1, 2, slowEMAValues) <= 0)
        Print("Error copying EMA values");

    // Determine the direction of the crossover
    bool isPositiveCrossover = fastEMAValues[0] < slowEMAValues[0] && fastEMAValues[1] > slowEMAValues[1];
    bool isNegativeCrossover = fastEMAValues[0] > slowEMAValues[0] && fastEMAValues[1] < slowEMAValues[1];

    // Check if an order has already been placed for the current candle
    if (currentCandleTime > lastOrderTime)
        if (isPositiveCrossover)
            // Correct action for a positive crossover
            PlaceOrder("BUY", Quantity, ApiUrl, ApiKey, Strategy, Symbol, Exchange, Product, PriceType);
            Print("Placing BUY order on positive EMA crossover");
            lastOrderTime = currentCandleTime; // Update the last order time
        else if (isNegativeCrossover)
            // Correct action for a negative crossover
            PlaceOrder("SELL", Quantity, ApiUrl, ApiKey, Strategy, Symbol, Exchange, Product, PriceType);
            Print("Placing SELL order on negative EMA crossover");
            lastOrderTime = currentCandleTime; // Update the last order time


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