Trailing Stoploss Execution Module
Internet Function Method
// Rajandran R - Creator of OpenAlgo
// Website - /
// OpenAlgo - Amibroker Trailing Stoploss Execution Module
// Date - 13/12/2024
_SECTION_BEGIN("OpenAlgo Trailing Stoploss Execution Module");
// Initial setup and parameters
RequestTimedRefresh(1, False);
// OpenAlgo Configuration Parameters
apikey = ParamStr("OpenAlgo API Key", "******");
strategy = ParamStr("Strategy", "TSL_Strategy");
symbol = ParamStr("Symbol", "YESBANK");
exchange = ParamList("Exchange", "NSE|NFO|BSE|MCX|CDS");
product = ParamList("Product", "MIS|NRML|CNC");
quantity = Param("Quantity", 1, 1, 1000, 1);
host = ParamStr("Host", "");
ver = ParamStr("API Version", "v1");
VoiceAlert = ParamList("Voice Alert", "Disable|Enable", 1);
EnableAlgo = ParamList("Algo Mode", "Disable|Enable", 0);
TestMode = ParamList("Test Mode", "Disable|Enable", 0);
// TSL Specific Parameters
StopLevel = 1 - Param("Trailing Stop %", 3, 0.1, 10, 0.1)/100;
Order_TickSize = Param("Order Tick Size", 1, 0.01, 1, 0.01);
Entrydelay = Param("Entry Delay", 0, 0, 1, 1);
Exitdelay = Param("Exit Delay", 0, 0, 1, 1);
reset = ParamTrigger("Memory Reset","Reset Now");
// Function to round price to nearest tick size
function RoundToTickSize(price, tickSize) {
return Floor(price/tickSize + 0.5) * tickSize;
// Initialize static variables
bridgeurl = host + "/api/" + ver;
static_name_ = Name() + GetChartID() + interval(2) + strategy;
static_name_algo = static_name_ + interval(2) + strategy + "algostatus";
static_name_tsl = static_name_ + "_tsl";
static_name_orderid = static_name_ + "_orderid";
// HTTP Post Request Function
function HttpPostRequest(url, postData) {
headers = "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" +
"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n";
ih = InternetPostRequest(url, postData);
response = "";
if(ih) {
while((line = InternetReadString(ih)) != "")
response += line;
return response;
// JSON Value Extraction Function
function ExtractJsonValue(jsonStr, key, isNested) {
result = "";
jsonData = jsonStr;
if(isNested) {
dataStart = StrFind(jsonStr, "\"data\":{");
if(dataStart > 0) dataStart = dataStart - 1;
if(dataStart >= 0) {
valueStart = dataStart + 7;
valueEnd = valueStart;
braceCount = 1;
strLenJson = StrLen(jsonStr);
while(valueEnd < strLenJson) {
currChar = StrMid(jsonStr, valueEnd, 1);
if(currChar == "{") braceCount++;
if(currChar == "}") braceCount--;
if(braceCount == 0) break;
jsonData = StrMid(jsonStr, valueStart, valueEnd - valueStart);
keyPos = StrFind(jsonData, "\"" + key + "\":");
if(keyPos > 0) keyPos = keyPos - 1;
if(keyPos > -1) {
valueStart = keyPos + StrLen(key) + 3;
while(StrMid(jsonData, valueStart, 1) == " ") valueStart++;
firstValChar = StrMid(jsonData, valueStart, 1);
isQuoted = (firstValChar == "\"");
strLenData = StrLen(jsonData);
valueEnd = valueStart;
if(isQuoted) {
valueEnd = valueStart;
while(valueEnd < strLenData) {
currChar = StrMid(jsonData, valueEnd, 1);
if(currChar == "\"") break;
result = StrMid(jsonData, valueStart, valueEnd - valueStart);
} else {
while(valueEnd < strLenData) {
currChar = StrMid(jsonData, valueEnd, 1);
if(currChar == "," OR currChar == "}") break;
result = StrMid(jsonData, valueStart, valueEnd - valueStart);
return result;
// Order Management Functions
function PlaceStopLossMarketOrder(action, triggerPrice) {
postData = "{\"apikey\": \"" + apikey + "\", " +
"\"strategy\": \"" + strategy + "\", " +
"\"symbol\": \"" + symbol + "\", " +
"\"action\": \"" + action + "\", " +
"\"exchange\": \"" + exchange + "\", " +
"\"pricetype\": \"SL-M\", " +
"\"price\": \"0\", " + // Price is 0 for SL-M orders
"\"trigger_price\": \"" + triggerPrice + "\", " +
"\"product\": \"" + product + "\", " +
"\"quantity\": \"" + quantity + "\"}";
_TRACE("SL-M Order Request: " + postData);
response = HttpPostRequest(bridgeurl + "/placeorder", postData);
_TRACE("SL-M Order Response: " + response);
return response;
function CheckOrderStatus(orderid) {
postData = "{\"apikey\": \"" + apikey + "\", " +
"\"strategy\": \"" + strategy + "\", " +
"\"orderid\": \"" + orderid + "\"}";
response = HttpPostRequest(bridgeurl + "/orderstatus", postData);
_TRACE("Order Status Check for OrderID " + orderid + " Response: " + response);
return response;
function ModifyStopLossMarketOrder(orderid, triggerPrice) {
postData = "{\"apikey\": \"" + apikey + "\", " +
"\"strategy\": \"" + strategy + "\", " +
"\"symbol\": \"" + symbol + "\", " +
"\"action\": \"SELL\", " + // Added action field
"\"exchange\": \"" + exchange + "\", " +
"\"orderid\": \"" + orderid + "\", " +
"\"product\": \"" + product + "\", " +
"\"pricetype\": \"SL-M\", " +
"\"price\": \"0\", " + // Price is 0 for SL-M orders
"\"trigger_price\": \"" + triggerPrice + "\", " +
"\"quantity\": \"" + quantity + "\", " +
"\"disclosed_quantity\": \"0\"}"; // Added disclosed_quantity field
_TRACE("Modify SL-M Order Request for OrderID " + orderid + ": " + postData);
response = HttpPostRequest(bridgeurl + "/modifyorder", postData);
_TRACE("Modify SL-M Order Response: " + response);
return response;
function PlaceMarketEntry(action) {
postData = "{\"apikey\": \"" + apikey + "\", " +
"\"strategy\": \"" + strategy + "\", " +
"\"symbol\": \"" + symbol + "\", " +
"\"action\": \"" + action + "\", " +
"\"exchange\": \"" + exchange + "\", " +
"\"pricetype\": \"MARKET\", " +
"\"product\": \"" + product + "\", " +
"\"quantity\": \"" + quantity + "\"}";
_TRACE("Market Entry Order Request: " + postData);
response = HttpPostRequest(bridgeurl + "/placeorder", postData);
_TRACE("Market Entry Order Response: " + response);
return response;
// Trading signals
Buy = Cross(MACD(), Signal());
Sell = 0;
trailARRAY = Null;
trailstop = 0;
// Calculate Trailing Stop Level
for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
if(trailstop == 0 AND Buy[i]) {
trailstop = High[i] * StopLevel;
//_TRACE("New TSL Level calculated: " + trailstop);
else Buy[i] = 0;
if(trailstop > 0 AND Low[i] < trailstop) {
Sell[i] = 1;
SellPrice[i] = trailstop;
//_TRACE("TSL Hit - Sell Signal Generated at: " + trailstop);
trailstop = 0;
if(trailstop > 0) {
newTSL = Max(High[i] * StopLevel, trailstop);
if(newTSL != trailstop) {
//_TRACE("TSL Level Updated from " + trailstop + " to " + newTSL);
trailstop = newTSL;
trailARRAY[i] = trailstop;
// Execution Logic
AlgoBuy = LastValue(Ref(Buy, -Entrydelay));
AlgoSell = LastValue(Ref(Sell, -Exitdelay));
currentTSL = RoundToTickSize(LastValue(trailARRAY), Order_TickSize);
//_TRACE("Raw TSL: " + LastValue(trailARRAY) + ", Rounded to tick size: " + currentTSL);
if(EnableAlgo == "Enable") {
// Print current stored OrderID
printf("\nAlgo Mode Enabled");
storedOrderId = StaticVarGetText(static_name_orderid);
printf("\nCurrent Stored OrderID: " + storedOrderId);
printf("\nCurrent TSL: " + currentTSL);
// Entry Logic
if(AlgoBuy AND Nz(StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "entryAlgo")) == 0) {
_TRACE("Buy Signal Detected - Executing Market Entry");
entryResponse = PlaceMarketEntry("BUY");
if(entryResponse != "") {
_TRACE("Entry Order Executed Successfully");
if(currentTSL > 0) {
_TRACE("Placing Initial TSL SL-M Order at trigger: " + currentTSL);
tslResponse = PlaceStopLossMarketOrder("SELL", currentTSL);
if(tslResponse != "") {
orderid = ExtractJsonValue(tslResponse, "orderid", False);
if(orderid != "") {
StaticVarSetText(static_name_orderid, orderid);
StaticVarSet(static_name_tsl, currentTSL);
_TRACE("New TSL OrderID Stored: " + orderid);
if(VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say("Entry and TSL Orders Placed");
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "entryAlgo", 1);
// TSL Modification Logic
if(currentTSL > 0 AND currentTSL != StaticVarGet(static_name_tsl)) {
orderid = StaticVarGetText(static_name_orderid);
_TRACE("Checking TSL Order: " + orderid);
if(orderid != "") {
statusResponse = CheckOrderStatus(orderid);
if(statusResponse != "") {
orderStatus = ExtractJsonValue(statusResponse, "order_status", True);
_TRACE("Current TSL Order Status: " + orderStatus);
if(orderStatus == "open") {
_TRACE("Modifying SL-M Order " + orderid + " trigger from " + StaticVarGet(static_name_tsl) + " to " + currentTSL);
modifyResponse = ModifyStopLossMarketOrder(orderid, currentTSL);
if(modifyResponse != "") {
StaticVarSet(static_name_tsl, currentTSL);
_TRACE("TSL Order Modified Successfully");
// Exit Logic
if(AlgoSell AND Nz(StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "exitAlgo")) == 0) {
orderid = StaticVarGetText(static_name_orderid);
_TRACE("TSL Hit - Checking Order: " + orderid);
if(orderid != "") {
statusResponse = CheckOrderStatus(orderid);
if(statusResponse != "") {
orderStatus = ExtractJsonValue(statusResponse, "order_status", True);
_TRACE("TSL Hit - Order Status: " + orderStatus);
if(orderStatus == "complete") {
_TRACE("TSL Order " + orderid + " Executed Successfully");
if(VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say("Trailing Stop Loss Hit");
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "exitAlgo", 1);
// Clear the stored OrderID
StaticVarSetText(static_name_orderid, "");
Plot(trailARRAY, "Trailing Stop Level", colorRed);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Trading Signals");
//Plot the trading signals
/* Plot Buy and Sell Signal Arrows */
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-45);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Candlestick Charts with Date & Time Axis");
//Enable the Date & Time Axis
SetChartOptions(0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates);
//Plotting Candlestick charts
Last updated