
OpenAlgo provides seamless integration with AliceBlue, enabling you to connect your trading strategies with AliceBlue’s brokerage services. Follow this guide to set up your AliceBlue broker account with OpenAlgo.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following:

  • An active AliceBlue trading account.

  • Access to the AliceBlue ANT website.

  • OpenAlgo installed and configured on your local machine.

Steps to Create the AliceBlue API Secret Key

  1. Login to AliceBlue ANT Website

  2. Access API Key Section

    • On the top right corner, click on Apps.

    • Select the API Key tab.

  3. Generate API Key

    • If you don’t already have an API key, generate a new one by following the on-screen instructions.

    • Note down the API Secret Key as it will be required for configuring the .env file.

Configuring the .env File

The AliceBlue login user ID is used as the API key. Below is a sample configuration for the .env file:

# AliceBlue Broker Configuration
BROKER_API_KEY = 'your_client_id'
BROKER_API_SECRET = 'your_api_secret_here'

Replace your_client_id with your AliceBlue login user ID and your_api_secret_here with the generated API secret key.

Important Notes

  • Ensure that your API Secret Key is stored securely and is not shared publicly.

  • The REDIRECT_URL should match the one registered with your API application.

Follow these steps to integrate AliceBlue with OpenAlgo successfully. If you encounter any issues, refer to the AliceBlue API documentation for further assistance.

Last updated